Dogs are among the most social beings on the planet. Even if you are a cat person, you can’t deny that canines are arguably friendlier. That said, there are moments when a dog can come across as unwelcoming or, worse, aggressive, especially around unknown faces.
Many paw-parents complain about their fuzzy child’s behavior and describe it as unruly when guests are over. Even the most convivial dogs can react in an unbecoming manner in front of friends and extended family. While it’s not mightily unusual, but it’s certainly troubling for dog owners who wish to acquaint their fuzzy baby with the extended relatives.
If you face said issue, then you must be desperate for a solution. Lucky for you, we have the answer to your problem! In this article, we will tell you all the steps you need to take to keep your dog calm and presentable in front of visitors. But before we move on to what you need to do to train your furry bud, let’s first look at what you shouldn’t do.
Here is a list of responses you should avoid when your sidekick starts to misbehave in front of strangers.
The first thing many paw-parents do when the doorbell rings is getting anxious and reproaching their little one to stay quiet, which is a recipe for disaster.
When dogs get overexcited, and out of control, they shouldn’t be tackled with the same energy. That is, you cannot shout at a disruptive animal and expect it to sober up instantly. Doing that is like trying to put out a fire with fire.
If you want your fur child to behave, you need to maintain your composure and use a crafty way of appeasing them, such as rewarding them if they sit down when you tell them to after they started misbehaving. Using positive reinforcement in this scenario may seem easier said than done, but if you pay attention to timings, you can achieve the seemingly unachievable.
Always remember that dogs radiate the same energy they receive, especially when excited. So, if you get harsh with your fuzzy baby, you are adding to their aggression. Therefore, never lose your calm when guests are at the door, and your dog starts to get hyper.
We know we just said that you appease your furry hound, but you need to stop doing that if it bears no fruit. If all your coaxing turns futile, get serious and take your dog to another room. Shut the door behind you and let the frenzied monster realize that they are being punished.
You can use verbal cues to convey your message more clearly. For instance, tell them, ‘too bad you will not be getting a treat because you didn’t greet the guests right.’ To make said tactic more effective, wave a kibble in front of your four-legged buddy and tell them that they will not get it because of their misbehavior.
If you repeat this practice a few times, your dog will get the message.
Now you know what you are not to do when your sidekick begins to get hyper. With the don’ts out of the way, let’s go over the dos of training a dog to stay calm around guests.
Putting a leash may sound inhumane, but you need to remember you are not doing it to harm your doggo. When the doorbell rings, hook the leash to your fluffy child’s collar and tell them to relax. While doing so, take deep breaths in front of them to communicate that you’re also calming your nerves. And remember to leave your body loose. Simply put, you need to use your body language to convey the message, which is there’s no need to get overexcited.’
Next, open the door with the leash in your hand and tell your dog to greet the guests. The chances are that all the calming rituals you did the moment before will keep your bud under control. However, if they don’t greet the visitors and start romping around, take them to another room to tell them they are not invited to the party.
In other words, tell your little one that they are not going to sit with everyone because they misbehaved and take them to another room. Close the door behind you and wait for a few minutes. If the boisterous little monster goes quiet and appears to have settled down, you can unlock the door, reward them and take them to the area where everyone else is. But, if they don’t stop misbehaving, let them be for a while, they will eventually calm down, and when they do, you can release them.
But be sure not to hurt your fuzzy pal in the process of removing them from the living room to a separate room. You need to stay gentle throughout it all; otherwise, you’ll fuel their aggression.
Using a distraction to divert your little one’s attention is an effective way of keeping them calm, but it’s not a concrete solution. That is, let’s say you give your canine companion a ball or any other toy to play with in order to distract them; you are not addressing the main issue. This means, whenever they will come across guests, they will get out of control.
Similarly, you can put up a baby gate to keep your fluffy baby away from your visitors, but that’s also a temporary solution as it doesn’t train your dog to behave.
For the short run, a fence or toy can work, but for the long run, you need to train your dog using the leash trick. Another measure you can take is taking your bud out to crowded places frequently so that they are exposed to strangers and have to learn to be normal eventually.
Dogs are brilliant animals, known for their smartness. In other words, they are smart enough to pick up on cues. If you stick to your training tactics, your fur child will soon begin to remain composed when you have guests over.
by Bobby J Davidson || You can’t buy love, but you can rescue it™ .
Facts About Animal Homelessness:
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