Dogs for Families: Dogs are undeniably the best animals to have around the house. Not only do they score high when it comes to being adorable and cuddly, they have proven time and again just how loyal, friendly, and protective they can be. What’s more, it’s amazing to have a dog at home if you’ve got a family with kids.
While there are hardly any mutts that don’t check the aforementioned boxes, some dog breeds are just more popular when it comes to being dogs for families.
The Labrador retriever is one of the most popular dogs when it comes to household pets. This dog is known to be friendly, easy to train, and extremely patient.
Labs are eager to please, making training easier as compared to other breeds. They are highly energetic, which, coupled with their patience, creates a great balance. And even though require some supervision when around other dogs, they’re generally well-behaved.
In our books, that’s the pet jackpot. Everyone knows how feisty children can be, and this pooch seems to be the perfect fit!
Bulldogs are gentle and patient, rendering them great companions for families with children. In fact, their gentle nature also makes them a popular choice among the elderly; being laid-back and fuss-free just adds to their adaptive nature.
They are comfortable in most environments, and love spending time with their human family.
Bulldogs’ barks are on the quieter side, and they are also relatively easy to train. Because they are not as energetic as other dog breeds, they will only ever beg their owners to take them out for walks.
Golden retrievers can be great big balls of energy, and if your kids have the same rambunctious personality, then you’re in for a real treat…or not.
Jokes aside, it can definitely serve you well as a parent if your child and pet can keep each other busy while you free up some precious time to tend to any pressing matters you might have!
Let it be known, however, that there is one (very sad) downside to keeping a golden retriever as a pet. They are prone to an array of health problems, such as cancer, heart disease, cataracts, and epilepsy.
You know what they say about good things coming in small packages, right? Well, you can be sure that whoever uttered these words, had beagles on their mind.
These cute hound dogs may be compact, but their energy levels have the potential to go through the roof. Beagles are very friendly, making them the ideal choice for children. Owing to their responsive nature, training them is a simple enough process, and because their coat is easy to care for, grooming them is not a tiresome feat.
Pugs can be best described as being a lot of energy in a tiny body.
Granted, their wrinkly faces might make them look like the sages of the dog world, they are anything but! Their mischievous demeanor and mild temperament only makes it that much easier for them to plod along all the way into everyone’s hearts.
They are curious by nature and prefer walks as opposed to other forms of exercise.
It also wouldn’t hurt to consider the fact that pugs have a deformed build, and may encounter a host of health problems as time goes on. They can also be highly flatulent, making for embarrassing situation when you have guests.
Collies are adorable and packed with crazy energy. Think of them as the ambiverts of the dog world; they love being outside where they can release all that energy, but then love to come back home to a setting that’s comfortable and familiar to just simply be and enjoy some downtime.
They are extremely sensitive dogs, enabling them to tune in to others’ needs. Collies also rank high when it comes to displaying affection, and this is one of the reasons why they get along well with children.
Their sensitivity also leads them to not like it one bit when they are left alone for hours on end. The simple formula then for keeping your Collie happy is: love them and they’ll love you right back!
Boxers are playful, patient, and protective. They make great watchdogs as they are also highly observant and have a sturdy build.
They are known to be stubborn on occasion, but are receptive to commands, making training a smooth process. If you’re getting a Boxer puppy, make sure to plant them in social situations early on as they have the tendency to play rough around other dogs of the same size.
As they grow older, boxers’ energy levels start to wane, making them the best to unwind with. They will love simply being in your lap or chilling out by your side as you relax and catch up on your favorite shows.
Dachshunds were originally used to hunt small game such as badgers and weasels, with their slender body more than suited to the task.
They have short legs, making it easy for them to wiggle their way into anything and everything. Their cute, sausage-like shape has rightfully earned them the name “Wiener dog.”
This is something to bear in mind while training them. Make sure you set limits and boundaries, otherwise they will run amok. You also want to ideally introduce your Dachshund to other people and children, so they can be conditioned to not act out against strangers.
They are great family dogs because they are loyal to a fault. While they may be perceived as being one of the more aggressive dog breeds, it is more likely a warning for you that an intruder is on the loose.
Again, you just can’t go wrong when it comes to choosing a dog as your family pet. They are energetic across the board, and in most cases may even help your children come out of their shell. A few words of advice: adopt, don’t shop!
by Maria A Davidson || You can’t buy love, but you can rescue it™ .
Facts About Animal Homelessness:
Here are a some adoptions for consideration: