CBD for Dogs: CBD or Cannabidiol oil has gotten quite popular during the past decade. And it is now being recognized as medical marijuana for its healing properties. Many states in America have even legalized using and owning CBD despite it being a derivative of cannabis, all because of the remedial power of the drug.
Looking at the increased use of CBD in humans, pet owners and vets have also started to give said drug to sick animals in hopes of providing them relief. With that said, some animal lovers are not comfortable with the idea of feeding their pets drugs and continue to be on the fence over the issue. Even though CBD doesn’t cause intoxication, but its connection with cannabis makes the drug questionable for many.
To clear out all of your reservations about CBD, we are going to share everything about the cannabis derivative with you in this article.
CBD or cannabidiol is one of the eighty chemical derivatives called cannabinoids, obtained from the cannabis Sativa (marijuana) plant. Unlike most other chemical compounds extracted from cannabis, CBD is not psychoactive, which means it doesn’t get the user ‘high.’
CBD shares a common pharmaceutical structure with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like ibuprofen or Rimadyl, which eases pain and discomfort in the body. Therefore, it is prescribed for unhealthy patients to soothe the symptoms of their ailments.
CBD can be consumed as a pill, suppository or oi; it may also be taken intravenously in some cases.
CBD is used to manage multiple medical conditions such as arthritis, anxiety, cancer, inflammation, etc., and it has shown immense promise in doing so.
Much like how CBD helps humans with their maladies, it is believed to do the same with dogs. Dogs with arthritis, anxiety or other pervasive conditions can get relief by using CBD. Many studies have been conducted on the topic. And most of them support the use of CBD in unhealthy dogs because of its therapeutic capabilities.
According to the studies, some of the most common medical conditions that CBD can help with are arthritis, seizures, cancer, anxiety and pain.
CBD is excellent at easing inflammation. And since arthritis is an inflammation in and around the joints, CBD can bring a tremendous amount of comfort to dogs suffering from it.
Arthritis, abbreviated from osteoarthritis, is pretty common in dogs. Studies show that every one in four dogs will be diagnosed with arthritis once in its lifetime. And some studies even suggest that 60% of the entire dog population presents with symptoms of arthritis of varying intensity.
Research shows that if a dog with arthritis is given the recommended dose of CBD twice daily, it will get substantial pain relief and will be able to walk with much ease.
Many people still find it hard to believe that dogs have anxiety. Nonetheless, the truth is that dogs can have extreme fear and anxiety, which impacts their life significantly. However, CBD can help such dogs but only to a little degree.
Since CBD doesn’t have psychoactive properties like most of its cannabis counterparts, it cannot ease anxiety in dogs directly. Instead, it reduces pain and discomfort in a dog’s body, which leads to decreased levels of anxiety in the dog.
Seizures have been widely treated with CBD in humans, but things are a little different when it comes to treating seizures with CBD in dogs. There isn’t a lot of research that’s been conducted on this topic; however, the little data that is available suggests CBD can help dogs who are affected by seizures.
Dogs can have seizures for a variety of reasons. Most dogs get them due to an underlying condition. One of the most common conditions which cause a dog to seizure is idiopathic epilepsy. And a study shows that CBD can reduce the frequency of seizure episodes in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. Although it must be given with other traditional anti-seizure medicines, otherwise CBD might not work.
Cancer is an overarching term that includes a plethora of symptoms. From tumours to the side effects of chemotherapy, every form of sickness induced by cancer falls under it. While there is no scientific data to prove that CBD helps dogs with primary symptoms of cancer, there is a study that suggests dogs taking chemotherapy can benefit from CBD.
CBD can ease the nauseating side effects of chemotherapy in dogs, as suggested by the study.
Pain from any inflammatory sickness can be eased with CBD. The anti-inflammatory properties of CBD that make it potent for treating arthritis in dogs make it similarly effective in treating other pains caused by inflammation.
Canines are often distressed by back pain due to intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Preliminary studies show that CBD, when given along THC, can significantly reduce the pain caused by IVDD. But since no research has been conducted on the effects of THC on dogs, vets remain wary of prescribing the intoxicating drug with CBD to canines.
In the general viewpoint, CBD is nothing but safe for dogs and cats. However, a bunch of scientific papers have found a relation between CBD consumption in dogs with elevated levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in the liver. Even though there is no potential medical (physiological) harm that’s been recorded, but a high value of ALP may indicate irritation to the liver.
Although there isn’t enough data that suggests adverse effects of CBD on canines, some pet owners have shared instances where their dog became sedated and dull after consuming large doses of CBD.
CBD is an alternative medicine that has proven to be beneficial in easing symptoms of debilitating conditions such as arthritis in dogs. However, if given in uncalculated doses, CBD can make a dog sluggish. Therefore, if you want to give your fluffy friend CBD, make sure to consult your vet first and decide on a dosage.
by Bobby J Davidson || You can’t buy love, but you can rescue it™ .
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