Dog Smells Bad: The phrase “smells like a wet dog” was not born out of nowhere. However, the truth is that your dog should not actually smell bad. Sure, your dog won’t smell like roses, but if your dog smells bad, there may be a bigger problem you may have to deal with.
Just like human beings, dogs have a distinctive smell. This doesn’t mean that they smell bad; it just means that they have a particular scent. A true dog lover will know exactly the way his dog’s fur smells and will find comfort in that scent. However, a bad smell may be a sign of some health issues that need to be looked at as soon as possible. For example, a pungent, yeast-like smell indicates that your dog may have a skin problem or some bad ear wax issue. Unbearable bad breath may point to some serious health issues.
Depending on the oils in their skin and their diet, each dog will smell different. Did you know a dog sweats through its feet? That’s why a dog’s paws may smell different, but they should never smell bad enough to repulse you. Kissing your dog on its head or smelling its paws should not be a problem as long as your dog is internally healthy.
Here are some reasons why your dog smells bad:
Dogs may have smelly ears for a number of reasons. It may be because their ears are not regularly cleaned, or there may be some moisture left over from a bath or swim day or because they have lots of hair inside or on top of the ear canal. Each of these contributes to how a dog’s ear smells.
If you smell a negligible, yeast-type smell, you will simply have to get your dog’s ears cleaned. However, if you sense an unbearably bad smell, you must take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. This may be a sign of a terrible ear infection that calls for professional help.
Did you know that stinky ears can actually be recognized from far? Oftentimes, you may think that your dog stinks, but upon closer inspection, you will realize that the smell is coming from its ears.
Your dog may smell cheesy, and that may not seem like a problem to you since you love cheese, but this may actually be a sign of skin issues that your dog is experiencing. Canine seborrhea is a skin condition where sebum and yeast build up on the dog’s skin, leading to a cheesy, stinky smell. If this happens, take your dog to the vet. The vet will probably advise you to follow a strict routine of bathing, medication, and ear cleaning for some time. Don’t worry; this is not a serious condition.
Yeast and bacteria may also grow on the skin because of hormonal imbalances, allergies, fungus, parasites, and inflammation. All of these can cause your dog’s skin to smell nasty. It is not just the smell you need to look out for. In fact, all these conditions can cause your dog to scratch and lick itself non-stop. Of course, this doesn’t help the situation- it only causes a secondary bacterial infection. This makes the odor even worse. Before your dog starts to smell worse, make sure to consult your vet.
Skin issues can also be caused because of the overlapping folds of the skin. Moisture and microorganisms get stuck in these, leading to a build-up of bacteria. To ensure that your dog is odor-free, you need to clean between the folds and make sure they are kept dry. If you notice that your dog’s skin is irritated and red, it may have dermatitis or infection. Even though keeping your dog clean is a necessity, remember not to over-bathe it as this too can disrupt the balance of its skin.
If there is a build-up of bacteria in your dog’s mouth, its breath will start to smell bad. However, if the bad breath does not go away, this may point to more serious issues in your dog’s respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, or internal organs. Other illnesses, such as diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease, will also cause your dog’s breath to smell nasty.
To ensure that your dog does not have bad breath, make sure to make scheduled visits to the vet. Moreover, ensure that your dog has good dental hygiene. Tartar build-up, dental infections, and periodontal disease should never be ignored.
If your dog smells fishy and disgusting, the smell may be coming from the anal glands. These are secretory glands located in the dog’s rectum. Even though they are completely natural, some dogs may experience some pain and bad odor problems.
If your dog’s anal glands are healthy, there should be no odor problem to begin with (unless, of course, you sniff your dog’s butt). If you notice a fishy odor, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible. It may be facing some pain or discomfort that you have no idea about.
Like human beings, dogs fart too. In fact, it is a common topic among dog owners. If your dog occasionally burps, gurgles, or has flatulence, don’t worry; your dog is normal. However, extra gas is a problem that needs to be looked into. What’s worse is when a foul, putrid smell is eliminated. If your dog farts too much, it may be a sign to pay the vet a visit. However, don’t worry; the solution can be only to switch up the dog’s diet. In some cases, the vet may tell you that your dog has inflammatory bowel disease, which requires medication to be treated.
For some dogs, frequent gas is completely normal. This includes pugs, bulldogs, and boxers. Their cute, tiny, squished-up noses lead them to suck in lots of air while they eat, which is then eliminated through the gas. However, this can be avoided by putting their food bowl at a height or by including probiotics in their diet.
If your dog smells bad, don’t worry too much! Just visit your vet and make sure to do it at your earliest so that you can rule out any serious diseases or infections.
by Bobby J Davidson || You can’t buy love, but you can rescue it™ .
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