If you ask dog owners which part of raising a dog they find the most dreadful, they would tell you fighting the unremitting fleas. Fleas are small dark brown insects that love to inhabit a dog’s skin. They thrive in warmer temperatures of about 65 to 80 degrees with 75 to 85% humidity levels, which is why in some regions that tend to have a moderate climate, fleas bother dogs all year round.
A dog can contract fleas through contact with other animals or by catching them from the environment. Fleas have super strong back legs that they use to lunge from one dog to another. They can trigger allergic reactions on a dog’s skin and cause severe itchiness. If you find your dog restless and scratching frequently, scan its skin for fleas. The best location for spotting fleas on a dog are inner thighs and tummy. The pesky brown insects don’t like light, so they tend to populate areas on a dog’s skin that are relatively concealed from view. You can also look for flea dirt to confirm the presence of fleas. It looks like scattered pepper specks over a dog’s skin.
Spotting fleas is not so hard if you are observant enough. You can easily do it by noticing your dog’s uneasiness. But what can be hard is getting rid of those fleas that you spotted. Although you can kill the fleas on your dog’s body by applying store-bought chemicals, it can be dangerous for your canine’s skin. Synthetic flea solutions contain strong chemicals that can be toxic for a dog; therefore, it’s better to use natural products to get rid of fleas on your fur baby’s body.
There are plenty of home remedies to fight fleas, but we decided to share the top 5 with you.
Here are the top 5 home remedies to fight fleas
Apple cider vinegar is an extremely effective natural solution to tackle dog fleas. You can use it in two ways to treat your little one.
Fill your canine’s bathtub (or a regular bathtub if you wish to) with one part apple cider vinegar and one part water. Have your baby soak in it for a good while, then give them a thorough bath.
Make an apple cider vinegar and water solution using equal parts of both the liquids. Fill a spray bottle with the prepared solution and drench your dog with it.
Giving you fur pal a vinegar bath is a more feasible option as sitting in a tub would be easier for them. Getting sprayed with water may tick your pooch off. Whichever vinegar route you choose to take, make sure to give your sidekick a thorough bath afterward.
Apple cider vinegar has an overpowering odor, if you don’t want your canine companion to carry it around for the rest of the day, don’t forget to scrub them vigorously once they are flea-free.
One of the best flea fighting remedies is a lemon bath. Lemons are excellent for the skin and can instantly freshen up your dog’s coat. So, by giving your fluffy friend a lemon bath, you will not only make them flea-free but also revitalize their skin.
To prepare the solution for a lemon bath, squeeze half a cup of lemon juice into two cups of water. Mix it well, then add a dollop or two of your pet’s shampoo to it. Combine all the components together, then rub it all over your fur child’s body. Continue massaging for a good fifteen to twenty minutes then rinse the solution off.
The best part about a lemon bath is that it doesn’t necessitate a shower afterward. You get done with your dog’s grooming in such one setting.
Essential oils are another excellent natural flea remedy for dogs. Citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, and rosemary are known to repel fleas. And just like a lemon bath, essential oils are also gentle to the skin. Dilute any essential oil of your choosing in some water and spray it all over your buddy. And if you don’t want to spray the solution on your dog, then give them a bath in a tub of water mixed with essential oils.
Coconut oil is a versatile natural agent that can remedy pretty much anything. So when it comes to fighting dog fleas, coconut oil is naturally a force to reckon with. All you need to do is rub a meager amount of coconut oil all over your dog’s skin and let it absorb for a while. Rinse it off after some time with your pet’s shampoo and water.
Once you are done, you will notice not only a flea-free coat on your dog but also a lustrous sheen on it. Coconut oil has a bunch of skin revitalizing properties that will hydrate your dog’s skin and give it a glow.
You can also mix a teaspoon of coconut oil in your baby’s food so that any bacteria or parasites in their gut are also dealt with naturally.
Neem is extremely beneficial when it comes to combating any type of insect infestation in dogs. However, many people don’t know about the efficacy of neem oil in fighting fleas partly because it’s not easy to obtain. If you can get your hands on it, rub it over your dog’s skin and wash it off after a little while. You can also spray it over your canine companion if they allow that.
Acquiring and mixing up natural ingredients may seem like too much of an effort to fight dog fleas. And you might be tempted to get a synthetic solution to deal with your dog’s fleas but choose to go the extra mile and treat your dog with organic concoctions.
And if you absolutely have no time to make arrangements for a natural flea solution, buy an organic soap and bathe your dog with it. It will fight fleas and leave your little one with a pleasant smell!
by Bobby J Davidson || You can’t buy love, but you can rescue it™ .
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