If your dog is constantly scratching its ears, then you might want to consult a vet immediately. Constant ear scratching is a good sign there are ear mites in your dog’s ears. It could also mean other things, depending on what your dog has been up to for the past week. Why do dogs have itchy ears? we will inform you about various conditions and reasons why a dog has itchy ears. Most importantly, what you can do to get rid of that itching and relieve your pet’s pain.
As a dog owner, or even as someone generally curious about dogs, it is your responsibility (more so as a human being) to make sure your dog or dogs around you are healthy and are free from harm’s way.
Let’s start with some medical conditions first.
Allergic skin conditions are likely to trigger itchy ears in dogs and other pets, too, like cats. You will notice an inflammation either inside the ear or around it. This is in response to an allergen that usually causes your dog to behave unusually. Your dog has either inhaled it, has let it absorb over an exposed scratch or cut, or has accidentally and unknowingly ingested it somehow. Excess production of ear wax is the result, which leads to other secretions as well. Your dog will start scratching its ear or ears, and the inflammation will take place.
Apart from allergens, yeast and bacteria love nothing more than to feed off on warm and moist places. Particularly the warmth and moistness of the inside of a dog’s ear. Such specific infections can cause more alarming inflammations than your common allergen.
Ear Mites are the number one cause of itchy ears. These mites that have an inclination towards dog ears (not the kind where books are concerned, we assure you) are spider-like in shape and too microscopic. Once they find an ear to pour into, they are relentless in their inhabiting, making your dog or any other pet miserable, having them endlessly scratching at theirs, hoping it would somehow relieve the pain or end it.
While ear mites are the most apparent cause of itchy ears if the ears have been exposed to parasites, there are plenty of other parasites that can cause itchy ears as well. The only way to find out is by close, microscopic examination of the ears—that means taking your dog to the nearest vet as soon as possible. These other parasites include ticks, fleas, and mange mites that can make a dog’s ears and head itch relentlessly.
While we recommend you visit the vet, there are specific steps you can take to nip it in the bud if your dog is not experiencing any itchiness or scratching its poor ears.
When you bathe your dog every week or every two days, do an ear inspection. Make sure you peek inside with a good flashlight so that you can see clearly. It is essential to catch anything in its most early stages. While you won’t be able to see microscopic organisms, you can see the cause of why they would want to visit your pet’s ears. Shiny and smooth pinkiness that is a little out of place inside the ear is what you are looking for. This pinkiness means your dog’s ears are gumming up some allergen or irritant, making it a perfect nesting home for parasites, ticks, and fleas.
Anything else like severe redness or discharges to the attention of your vet immediately.
This goes with saying, but most dog-owners are afraid of cleaning something as delicate as the inside of their dog’s ears. They believe an external bath is enough. They are wrong. You also need to check your dog’s gums and teeth, and of course, the ears. While most pets can manage ear wax without too much interference from the owners, dogs are not one of them. We recommend using dog bathing accessories to clean the ears, a clean ear bud carefully, and meticulously clean the ears.
If your dog is too hairy, we recommend shaving off an inch or two to prevent dog ticks and fleas from finding their home in your dog’s mane. Some dogs grow ear-hair. Yep, you heard it right. Or rather read it. This ear-hair needs to be removed delicately with a pair of scissors or by paying your vet a visit. Make sure you also clip your dog’s nails because a sharp nail can worsen the pain if used to scratch the ear.
Dogs are like your babies. You need to take care of them like you take care of a baby. This is why regular pet visits are a must. You will be cutting down on any future expenses that will come your way should your dog develop an ear infection or other disease if not taken to a vet regularly. Vets are masters of their craft, and they can help you take better care of your dog if you let them. While a dog is a man’s best friend, ever wondered who a dog’s best friend is?
Dogs can develop itchiness in their ears if ticks and fleas and parasitic organisms are not dealt with initially or a dog is not adequately taken care of. We recommend taking good care with regular bathing (though not too frequent) and inspecting the ears to detect, early on, if there is any shiny pinkness inside, the first sign of possible “invasion” by bacteria and parasites. Some dogs develop ear-hair that can be a major flea magnet. These need to be trimmed with round-tipped safety scissors or by visiting a vet.
Our dogs are our responsibility. Let’s, then, keep those ears itch-free!
by Maria A Davidson || You can’t buy love, but you can rescue it™ .
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